DAVID Pumpkin Seeds

david seeds, sunflower kernels, sunflower seed nutrition, david pumpkin, healthy snack

Phosphorous, Mangesium, Zinc, oh my!

Ok, that’s an overly used and overly trite intro to ANYTHING. But for realz, I’m very surprised at how low-calorie and supposedly all-natural these snacks are. I originally started popping pumpkin seeds when I heard they are a natural libido booster. Like popcorn at a movie theater, I tell you. But now I read the back of the package and the kernels of an entire package of DAVID Pumpkin Seeds is only 280 calories? That’s ridiculously healthy for gas station fare.

Not to mention, they’re ridiculously easy to write out messages with:

sunflower kernels, david seeds, david pumpkin, sunflower seed nutrition, libido booster, healthy snack

I went a little crazy on Instagram, as you can tell. Check out my handle @gas_station_gastronomy for more edible creations.

But  be forewarned, the nutrition info on the package is for kernels only – I assume the shells have quite a bit of unclaimed sodium. I’m docking one point of satisfaction for incomplete disco lure of what exactly I’m putting in my mouth. That’s fair, right?

Nutrition Info (per package)

Calories 280
Total Fat 22g, 34% DV
Magnesium 50% DV

*These calculations are based on a 2,000 calories diet, which is indulgent and wholly unrealistic.

4 comments on “DAVID Pumpkin Seeds

  1. I ate a bad sunflower seed once. I don’t even want to describe what was in it, but pumpkin seeds I can do!

  2. I was just wondering about pumpkin seeds today. I have never eaten them and threw out all the seeds from a pumpkin the other day. Turns out they are easy to roast yourself so I will try that next time have a pumpkin. I have to ask, do you eat the husk?

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